Friday, May 11, 2012

New Motivation

The National Youth Gathering is coming up sooner than I thought, and with it is going to come about 5 miles of walking per's time to start get moving.  So I'm using this as well as a couple other events this summer (presiding at a college friends wedding, preaching at my home congregation) as new motivation to get moving. 

I want to be able to walk from the convention center in NOLA to the superdome, and back, multiple times within 4 days without being exhausted afterwards (I will be exhausted, but I don't want it to be because I'm not used to that much walking).  And plus, everyone wants to look good when seeing your college friends.  

I also realized how important research is in this.  I really like "my fitness pal" and I know a lot of people who it has been SUPER helpful for in losing weight.  The amount of calories it recommends for me seems way too low, though. So I checked and in fact, their recommendation was about 100 calories below my BMR (Base Metabolic Rate: the amount of calories my body needs to survive every day in a sedentary state).  I'm glad I checked this because now I can readjust (and not send my body into starvation mode).

weight - 166.8 (some progress is better than none!)
miles - 13 (I will log about 5 more tomorrow!)
progress...still working on it...motivation helps!!

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