Last Thursday, I had an assessment done by a personal trainer. She kicked my butt making me spend three minutes stepping up and down on a chair that was 18" tall. I was good for the first minute and a half, but the last minute and a half was killer! It's all good though. I'm glad that I asked for her help. The assessment showed that there are muscle groups that I am not using properly, so she is going to teach me some exercises to re-train my body to properly use those muscles. I don't get all the results of the assessment until next week, but since last Thursday, I have been keeping closer track of how often and how far I walk (pro tip: mapmyrun is a great resource for figuring this out, well the distance part anyways). And, thanks to a visit from a dear friend from seminary, I got off to a great start on the walking last weekend...I walked 10 miles in 3 days!
All good well as keeping in mind that in a month and a half, there will be at least 5 miles a day to walk in the city of New Orleans (and God only knows how high the heat and humidity will be that week). So, I figure that as long as I walk at least 15 miles a week (which isn't hard when you live 2 miles from work), I'll be good to go come the time of the gathering. And I'm looking forward to working with Elizabeth, too. I've got the motivation to get this done, and now I've got someone who is willing to (kindly) kick me in the pants when I slack.
And as far as diet goes, I slacked a bit this week, but still managed to stay relatively close to my daily calorie count thanks to the exercise. And Chris and I have finally figured out what we need to get from the grocery store so that we have enough healthy snacks for the time between trips. (pro tip: pack healthy snacks in your bag the night before so you make sure you have them when you run out the door in the morning...this doesn't work so well if you pack perishable snacks like yogurt and cheese, set those at the front of the fridge so they're easy to access).
Miles logged (since last week): 15!!
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