Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Healthy living check-in

I got two notifications on facebook that my cousins had liked a blog post I wrote this past winter/spring in the midst of the grossness that was that this winter/spring were.  

I'm glad they did because they reminded me that I am really bad at this blogging thing.  But I know that it's a good way to hold myself accountable for keeping up with healthy living.  So here's an update.  

On September 12, my new primary care physician (nice guy, good doctor) and I had a chat about BMI.  

Sidebar: I hate the BMI because it doesn't take into account the fact that different people have different body types.  That's not trying to make excuses, it just is.  

I digress.  During the BMI conversation, the doc mentioned that despite my amazing BP and all the other good and healthy stats and blood work, my BMI is in the obese range.  I suddenly had the motivation I needed to get moving.  

And so, on September 15, 2014, I began the mommy edition of what I like to call "operation fabulous."  It sounds silly, but that name helps me stay motivated.  Here's how it works - by giving this "project" a name, I am committing myself to taking better care of myself.  I have been more committed to my appearance in the short term, my health in the long term.  So, I take an extra 5-10 minutes a day to make sure my complexion looks better.  I have been tracking relentlessly what I eat, for better or worse.  I have been walking.  I signed myself up for a 5k, which I will be walking.  I plan to sign myself up for another 5k, which I plan to run (anyone want to do the paczki run with me??? I'm told that there will be paczkis and beer at the finish line).  I put the scale away so I can focus on how I feel and not fall into the trap of defining myself with a number.  

I accomplished a lot in the last 2-ish weeks.  I walked 30 miles.  30.  I'm very proud of that.  I've also tracked my eating for over 30 days straight.  For me, that is an accomplishment in and of itself.  

My goal for October is to walk 60 miles and get to a 16 min/mile split time so that, come thanksgiving, I can have my eyes set on a 15 min/mile.   Let's do it!!

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