Thursday, December 29, 2011

Do we really need to wait?

I'm someone who thinks that New Years resolutions are over rated. I always make them and then, two weeks later, they have gone by the wayside never to be heard from or seen again.

So instead of resolutions for 2012, I have some health goals I would like to accomplish that I believe would help me to be a better wife, a better pastor...just a better person in general.

My biggest goal has truly been inspired by my adventure on the scale this morning...the "you have got to be kidding me" that came out of my mouth signaled that something really needs to be done...and maybe, just maybe, the next time my Doctor's assistant asks me to step on the scale, she won't give me the funny look she has given me the past two years. So goal #1, get back down to 140 lbs...that's 23 lbs to say goodbye to.
I have made similar goals in the past but never hit them...the only time I was successful in this was when I lived in Tulsa and there was a nice little pond for Abba and I to walk to every evening once things warmed up in the spring. But, there was no plan involved and, sadly, the pond on KU's campus that I know about isn't that's actually a bit gross in the spring and summer with all that algae. I do have a plan this time, though...

Step #1 (in progress) - Plan out menus and stick to them.
I do plan weekly menus and do my best to stick to them...but there are those nights (like last night) when cooking just isn't going to happen so off to Chipotle I go for a burrito for Chris and a burrito bowl with only a half scoop of rice for me...they always look at me funny when I say that. (Note: It's not always Chipotle, but you get the picture)

Step #2 (In progress) - only buy what's on my grocery list.
I'm getting really good at this, and it's amazing how much money you save when you do this!! This has been our guarantee that there is little, if any, junk food in the house...and that makes life a LOT easier.

Step #3 (in progress) - Actually eat the fruit and vegetables that I buy.
I've always had this bad habit of buying lots of fruits and vegetables and not eating all of them. I'm the worst with lettuce...sometimes, a girl just wants tomato and cucumber without the inconvenience of chopping lettuce. I do make sure that Chris and I always have a veggie with dinner and I'm working on him to eat a piece of fruit with lunch, but I'm not always successful. So we're getting there...buying flash frozen veggies helps (no canned ones) because then I don't have to worry about them going bad. One thing I have discovered though, I really enjoy pears. I thought I disliked them for a long time, but my senior year of seminary they added a pear and gorgonzola salad to the menu at the restaurant I worked at and I fell in love. (which was my other discovery, I really like weird cheeses).

Step #4 (meh) - Take my vitamins
I hate taking vitamins. I always have. I have tried multiple varieties of multivitamins, flintstones, centrum, one a day, off brand...and they all make me feel sick...they have since I was a kid. A couple years ago, I actually threw up 20 minutes after taking one with my breakfast. Fortunately, my mom is a nurse and she says that all I really need is a B complex with vitamin C and to spend more time outside to get my vitamin D. B complex I can handle, I don't like the taste but it doesn't make me feel sick so I'm good with it. So we're on our way there. Thanks, Mom!!

Step #5 (ugh) - Exercise
I have a treadmill at my house. You think that would encourage me to use it, right? Wrong! I had a gym membership my first year here in Kansas and was 100 times more motivated to get in my car, drive to the gym and work out than I am to walk the 10 feet to my treadmill and walk on it. It's totally backwards logic but it's true. Eventually, I want to start going to the gym again, when we can comfortably afford it. Until then, I'm setting a goal to walk to church a couple times a week...or at least set things up with Chris so that I have to walk home (having only one car makes this a convenient task). Then, I get to stroll down Mass St. then take on the 9th street hill...a 2 mile trip which I can now complete in a mere 35 minutes (it used to take about 50 minutes with that darned hill).

So I guess I'm well on my way with this goal...the only obstacle is the motivation to exercise...but I'm getting there.

My other goals?
More family time
Be nicer to myself
Take more time to be thankful when I find myself getting frustrated or down

What are yours?

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