Tuesday, December 27, 2011

recapping 2011

This morning I spent about an hour updating my calendar for January 2012, which is only 5 days away, and I got a bit overwhelmed by how quickly my 2012 calendar is filling up (and I don't even have a new desk calendar yet!)

So to combat the overwhelming feelings that came over me this morning...I've decided to take some time and think about some of the awesome things that happened in 2011, the best year of my life so far.

January - Chris and I traveled to Tulsa to witness the marriage of my friends Shannon and Josh, who I set up before leaving my internship there in 2008. It was a beautiful wedding and I was SO glad to see so many of the wonderful people that I was blessed to meet while I served there.

February - I got the opportunity to spend a Sunday morning with the amazing folks at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Valley Falls, KS, the oldest Lutheran congregation in Kansas. It is a small community of faithful and loving people who welcomed me with open arms.

March - I placed ashes on Chris' forehead on Ash Wednesday and found myself fighting back tears from the power of reminding myself and my future husband that he was dust, and to dust he will return.

April - The folks at Trinity, with the help of the folks at Good Shepherd Lutheran, walked the distance from Lawrence, KS to Jerusalem...and then some!!...during the season of Lent. We got off to a slow start, but as the weather got better, the miles poured in!

May - Got to meet Chris' mom and extended family at his cousin, Jessie's wedding in Chicago. They were very welcoming, it was awesome.

June - What a month! Started with synod assembly (my resolution passed!), followed with an awesome ecumenical VBS with the UCC and Mennonite churches, Confirmation camp came after then and I ended the month with a wedding.

July - Spent a week up in Michigan with family for our wedding shower...later in the month I led a mission trip to Booneville, Arkansas, my favorite mission trip so far! (despite all the car trou...I mean, adventures)

August - Like the rest of this summer, August was a blur...the wedding was getting so close! And we had an adventure with chiggers!

September - We got married!!! Then spent an amazing week in Orlando, Florida (I'm totally ignoring the ER adventure at the end).

October - Got to see some of my favorite people in St. Paul, MN; had our first young family event; met Peter Mayer (lead guitarist for Jimmy Buffett) and Dr. F. Schlingensiepen, a Bonhoeffer scholar who lived through WWII and was successful in avoiding participating in Hitler Youth activities...super cool guy!! (and I'm sure he knows Klaus Peter Adam from LSTC!)

November - Got invited to hang out with some of the kids at their school for "Grandparents/Special friends day" at their school.

December - Got to see my sister-in-law, Megan, for dinner while on a whirlwind trip to Chicago. Sang in the choir for Lessons and Carols. Got to lead the Christmas vespers at one of the assisted living facilities in town. Chris and I had our first Christmas as a married couple.

So much for one year!!
I can't wait to see what 2012 brings...(besides 2 trips to NOLA, deer camp, and Theresa's wedding)

Maybe a trip for the Detroit Lions to the super bowl? (a girl can dream, can't she)

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