Monday, January 23, 2012

A Letter to me at 15

A couple years back, Brad Paisley wrote a song "Letter to Me." It was a great song, one of his best, I think...because it's about looking back at all the great things that he learned over the years, even though he thought he knew it all. I would like to try my hand at that...not in song, but in a brief note.

Dear Jen,
This is your 28 year old self writing. I bet as you read this you are sitting on your bed in the basement of mom and dad's house sipping on a coca cola and waiting for Mary to pick you up for pep band.

I know that these past few years haven't been the easiest for you. At 28, I know that I wouldn't go back and relive what you are going through now. But you learned a lot from all that is going to happen in the next few years. You are going to have some amazing adventures as you get older...and I know that from my vantage point, the adventures are only beginning. So get ready for a great isn't just high school and people who said that High School and College are the best years of your life, well they lied to you. Forgive them, they knew not what they were doing when they put that platitude in front of you.

Boys have been the biggest part of your frustration in your teenage years. That's ok...when you get married, you still won't totally understand how your husband works, but you've got a whole life time to figure that out so don't worry about it.

But I do want to tell you something important. Don't let the boys in your life dictate who you want to be, and don't change yourself so that they will like you. If you have to change who you are so that a guy will like you, that guy isn't worth it. You are perfect as God made you to be. You are going to have your heart broken a few times, that goes with the territory of growing up...but you'll get over it and you will grow into a beautiful woman and you will do amazing things and be loved by great people, and one special man in particular (I won't give you details, otherwise I'm afraid you are going to miss out on some great life experiences and some wonderful friendships).

The next few years will produce some big struggles (remember what Mr Ciaravino used to say in Math class at Parcells? Improvise, adapt, will one day make that your motto, so why not start now?) but struggles produce character and teach work ethic and endurance, and those qualities are helpful. So while in the midst of some of the most difficult years of your life remember the following:

God loves you more than you will ever know and made you perfect just the way you are.

Life isn't perfect, it never will be...and people who tell you life can be perfect are lying.

Live your life for you, not for anyone else. That way, you are living the best life for you that you can.

Don't take yourself too's not good for you.

You're going to make it and you are going to have a better life than you ever imagined. Really, it does get better.

28 year old Jen

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